I was going through my blog roll today to weed out links to dead blogs as well as re-introduce myself to some of my older favorites. If you get a chance to skim through my blog roll, here are a few links you should definitely click on--these come highly recommended.
Words on the Page. This is one of the blogs I visit every week. Lori's posts are uniformly well-written and thoughtful, and her approach to the business of writing is firm, fair, and level-headed. She also really has it together when it comes to marketing--whether you're new at the game or experienced, there's a lot you can learn on this blog.
The Well Fed Writer Blog. Peter Bowerman is smart, talented, and entertaining--and his advice is always spot-on. Like many freelancers, he's also the person I credit with getting me started--with the eminently readable and practical Well Fed Writer. It's a classic and worth a look, especially if you're just starting out.
Men With Pens. What I love about Men With Pens is that it's a bit edgy. James Chartrand is never afraid to call it like it is--and the writing is always entertaining.
IttyBiz. IttyBiz is like your older (funny) entrepreneurial sister. This site always cracks me up. It's hilarious, it's no-nonsense, and it offers great advice. It's more geared toward business in general than to freelance writing in particular, but most freelancers run IttyBizes--so most of what you find here will probably be applicable.
What are your favorite blogs? Now that I've narrowed it down, my blogroll could use some fleshing out!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Blogs I Love
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Posted by
Jennifer Williamson
7:28 PM
Wow! I'm honored to be in such great company! Thanks, Jen. :) Yours is one I visit regularly, too.
You are very welcome!
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