I suppose you're wondering where I've been lately--I know I've been a bit erratic with my blog posts. The truth is I've taken on a part-time on-site gig for a few months, plus handling my regular scheduled client load--so I'm working approximately a job and a half right now. For the time being my posting here will be a bit more few and far between than usual--but I promise to write as much as I can. Thanks in advance for bearing with me.
Be back soon!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Where is Jennifer?
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Posted by
Jennifer Williamson
11:03 PM
That's OK. I'm writing an article today comparing your blog to Twitter. Just get a few more raving fans and we'll write the dang thing for you. :)
Hope the on-site job goes well. When you get a chance I'd love to see how you feel the on-site work compares to the at-home work. I haven't done on-site writing in a long time but I can definitely see perks to it - in some ways.
Shoot! I was hoping you'd be free for a lunch or something.... let me know when you're able. :)
Well, that makes two of us who are too busy to keep up with our blogs. Come back soon!
Hi folks,
Thanks for the comments! John, loved that post--some excellent points there! Kathryn, I'll definitely get a post out on that at some point--should be a good basis for comparison. Lori: lunch? I'm always up for lunch! My onsite gig only goes til noon, so keep in touch with me on that. Kathy--we're definitely in the same boat. Hope your busy period is lucrative and not too stressful!
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